Not only is the Node.js REPL broken, but so are the stock REPLs for Python and Ruby too! In fact, for many of you, every single REPL you’ve ever used has been fundamentally flawed. Moreover, even if you used a fancy replacement REPL, such as UltraREPL, IPython, or Pry, you’d only be mitigating the problem: JavaScript, Python, and Ruby are all fundamentally flawed languages from a REPL-lover’s perspective.

Now, I realize that this is a bold and, thus far, unsubstantiated claim. Python and Ruby are revered for interactive, dynamic development and Firebug’s JavaScript console changed the game for web apps. So with so many happy REPL users, what are these fundamental flaws? Since it is the worst offender, let me pick on JavaScript for a moment…

Node’s stock REPL provides a fragile and awkward notion of an evaluation context. A fresh REPL is configured with an evaluation context as if by both with(context) and .call(context) to enable unqualified access to context variables, as well as introspection of the this context. This, however, is a convenient illusion. If you evaluate var x = 1; this, you’ll note that x is added to this. If you were to use var inside a with block, you wouldn’t get that same behavior. The top-level inside the REPL is somewhat magical.

CommonJS Modules provides the blueprint for Node’s module system. The key idea is that Plain Old JavaScript Objects can be used to describe modules and their exports. Simple, but perhaps too simple. Consider if you were working on some function f in module m. You boot up your trusty REPL, evaluate var f = require('m').f; and try out some corner cases. Ugh oh, f has a bug, so you modify src/m.js and then you…. promptly restart your REPL! The require function doesn’t offer any sort of {reload: true} option, and even if you did, you’d still be left with a reference f pointing to an old version of the function. That might not be a big problem if you have just one function, but what if you have several objects and functions in a larger system? The too-simple plain old JavaScript objects approach results in the copying of references and assigning those copies to local names. It is extremely difficult to reason about changes. Even if you knew to cheat by reaching inside of require.cache with a delete, you’d still be better off restarting your REPL to preserve your sanity. That’s a real shame if you had a bunch of interesting test cases lying around in memory, or if there is an expensive initialization computation you need to wait through each time.

Now that I’m done picking on JavaScript, I’ll point out that the situations in both Python and Ruby aren’t much better. Python doesn’t have a notion of a current module, although it does provide the builtin locals() function, as well as lets you call code.interact(locals={...}) to start a nested sub-REPL with something akin to Node’s magical top-level. Ruby fairs marginally better by providing a reasonably well behaved implicit self, which can be shadowed in a nested sub-REPL via an argument to the confusingly named irb method. Python’s modules have a similar issue to plain old JavaScript objects with from m import f and Ruby’s metaprogramming facilities add more than enough complexity to make REPL-coding hair-raising.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are languages that are much better suited to iterative REPL development. If you’ve been following my blog, then this is where you’d expect me to praise Clojure. I’ll save that for a future post in which I’ll discuss what is really necessary for a successful REPL. And while Clojure’s REPL is far better than any other I’ve ever used, it has its own shortcomings to discuss as well.


Florian said…

Note that you’re lamenting for the most part that python, ruby and JS can’t do “hot-reload”.

This has nothing to do with an interactive prompt.

Hot reloading never really does work whatever you do (it doesn’t “just work” in smalltalk and any lisp dialect either). The first reason is that even if you can magically substitute all references to everything with the right version (which smalltalk and most lisp dialects can) it still leaves in-memory data corrupt (you haven’t written an in-memory migration script have you?).

The situation is somewhat worse for any language that allows references to everything (like python, ruby and JS) and is not side-effect free. In those environments hot-reloading becomes all but impossible, and although that’s a bit sad, the very way those languages work also makes them pleasant to use unless you want a hot reload.

Brandon Bloom said…

Being able to “hot-reload” a file is nice, but the failing is in the manner by which names are resolved. Aliasing imports into a local variable lacks a level of indirection; this precludes hot-swapping.

This has nothing to do with an interactive prompt.

These are design decisions that impact the usability of interactive prompts.

you haven’t written an in-memory migration script have you?

Sometimes I do migrate my in memory data structures… I enjoy having that option.

devdazed said…

I agree that the Node REPL is by far the worst offender, I think the largest point should have been that the REPL decides when an error make it crash. For instance, if you run:

throw new Error('foo');

All is well and it prints a stacktrace, however if you run:

process.nextTick(function(){ throw new Error('foo') });

It will cause the entire REPL to crash, and thus you need to start from square one. It’s this type of inconsistent behavior that makes the Node REPL infuriating.

IMO, the REPL should never crash and if there is anything a user can do to make it crash (aside from sending a kill -9 command) then it is fundamentally flawed.

Another thing is that you can cause a JS OOM error by simply creating a tight look that prints to the console.

Additionally, standard sigterm signals (such as ctrl+c) won’t break such a tight loop, so your only choice is kill the entire application.