URL routing and views
As promised, I’d like to elaborate on the URL routing system I came up with.
Weighing at less than 200 lines of code (including example), I’ll let it speak for itself: download it.
This approach seems to be working great for us. Love it? Hate it? Feel free to let me know what you think.
Imported Comments
Dead Man
You are hardcoding child views in the children method of each view which means the view can’t decide what (type of) children it has based on the current path segment. For example, I have a use case in which some content types can contain children of more than 1 type, so for example /foobar/child/ can either be a TypeAView or TypeBView depending on whether a TypeA with name “child” can be found or not - if it cannot be found, TypeBView will be returned. If your children() method took a path segment as an argument, it would probably solve this problem.
BTW have you checked out how Restish resolves/dispatches URLs? I think they have it right when it comes to dynamic URL trees.
Brandon Bloom
Child views are not “hard coded”. They are determined by the children method. You could pass segment, but it would be easier for the bind method to just store something on self for use later.
I looked at Restish a bit. It seems like a nice library; definitely the closest to my taste from what I’ve seen.
I’d recommend taking a look at Werkzeug for your routing & other wsgi basic needs.
As a follow-up to the previous post, Jinja 2 makes for an excellent templating engine (think django but much faster and without the stupid limitations).
And as a shameless plug, have a look at WTForms for your forms: http://wtforms.simplecodes.com/
Andriy Drozdyuk
I am sorry I still don’t get how this serves as an improvement over Django’s url system?
Can you provide me with a concrete example of what you cannot do in Django in terms or url-routing?
Andriy Drozdyuk
in terms of* I meant. Spelling is not one of my strongest areas eh?
Brandon Bloom
There is nothing that Django’s routing can’t do. In fact, the first version of this simply generated Django routes. This is about making is faster and easier to define hierarchical permissions and trees of URLs in a way that queries the database on a per-url-segment basis.